Thursday, November 5, 2009

What gives?!!

I am SOOO annoyed right now! Abby just brought me her school picture order form and instead of an awesome, full color picture on real photo paper with the word "PROOF" across the bottom in big white letters--a photo that I can fully steal and scan into the computer and make perfectly good, beautiful copies of for FREE, I get this grainy thing printed straight onto the order form-- something almost completely unusable!!! (How dare they? You'd think they actually wanted me to BUY a package so they could actually MAKE MONEY? (What do you think?)
It's okay, though, because in true 4-yr-old fashion, instead of this smile...

...or even THIS smile....

...Abby gave THIS smile...

Seriously, Josh will not even know it's a school picture without the "PROOF"!!!;0(


alisa said...

Classic! Here is one for you. Last year, Bailyn's proof came back with a TOTALLY diff hair style than the one I did before she left that morning. She braided the ENTIRE front of her hair in little braids. And no....the photographer DIDN"T change her hairstyle......and then let her pose with her hands up like she was praying!!!! Now, that is a picture worth a thousand years!!!! Love and miss you! And hey, what is up with us not ever even meeting each other's youngest babies???? We need to get together!

The Sorensen Bunch said...

ha haha Your a girla after my own heart. I HATE the kind of money they charge! BUT for real, her outfit is KILLING me! You are right about the smile however...

w_layne_h said...

that looks like it could be a school picture of you back in the day...