.....And SHE'S perfect! Yes, friends! It's a girl and we are very excited for Abby to have a "Baby Stister"! What a blessing at this time in our lives! This is the best shot we got of her!
The ultrasound was short, but sweet, and she slept the entire time! (Unlike Abby, who moved around like crazy at all of her 4 ultrasounds!) She's about 10 oz right now and everything measures as it should and all parts are accounted for! We are very excited! I must admit I felt a teensy bit of disappointment that it wasn't a boy, but as soon as I knew it was a girl, I quickly felt very close to her! I guess it just got real all of a sudden! It's so amazing that she can be so tiny, but we can see every part of her sweet little body!
What a great day we have had! Life is good!
So pretty soon, I'll be pulling out the teeny baby girl clothes from the attic and getting to work on sewing curtains and bedding for a VERY GIRLY room! It'll be fun...